When we talk about pothos, you may think of these images. Pothos are often grown in hanging pots as they tend to form a cascading view. But you probably don’t know that growing pothos upward will produce bigger leaves and make a lusher and larger plant. Today let’s see how to make a moss pole for your pothos and grow them in the Leizisure floor plant pot.

Also called devil’s ivy, this greenery requires little care and that’s one of the reasons why they’re poplar among houseplants. The pothos tower looks like a tree when grown in the floor plant pot. The vibrant plant along with the decorative planter add a unique flavour to the room.

a pothos tower in Leizisure floor plant pot
DIY a moss pole
Moss pole is a useful accessory to make DIY projects in gardening. If you’re plant lover, I’m sure you’ll love it. Actually you can buy it directly in the shops or online, and it’s quite convenient. But if you love hand-made activities, why not make a moss pole by yourself? It’s fairly interesting. Here comes the guide.

moss pole
The materials you need to prepare are the burlap, hemp rope, dried moss and some sticks. For the sizes, you can adjust them flexibly according to the size of your loving devil’s ivy.
- dry moss
- burlap and sticks
First, cut the burlap as long as the sticks you prepared. Then put the sticks at the edge of the burlap and grab some moss on it as we show in the picture. Next roll the burlap up to wrap the moss.
After each rolling, you may add more moss on the burlap so as to make the pole thick. When it’s done, you should twine the hemp rope on the pole to get it fixed. And remember to leave some space at the end of the stick so that you can insert the pole into the soil.
After these steps, you get a hand-make moss pole! You can grow your pothos upward now.
Leizisure floor plant pot
This minimalist floor plant pot features ceramic-like finish and has self-watering function. The planter is made of eco-friendly PP plastic and can last long due to its durable materials that it made from. Whatever your room decor style is, this floor plant pot can fit well with it. To see more products of Leizisure, you can visit our official web or Alibaba shop.

Leizisure self-watering planter